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Jul 18, 2016
Check the application that your smartphone has or not.
How to test connection quality in HTTP and FTP connections in Objective C?
HTTP protocol is a TCP connection, which is inherently secured, so you don't have to worry about that in order to go through the normal flow of the game.
How can you check connection quality? The way I've seen it done is by examining your Received bytes vs Sent bytes (buffered/promiscuous).
For FTP, there's no connection to make, so you just need to wait for the connection to be established and then you can start transferring data.
# encoding: UTF-8
module FuzzyFinder
module Matcher
# The progress view is used to display progress in a nice way.
# @example
# ProgressView.new(@matcher.fuzzy_finder).start
# @matcher.progress_view.resize_to_fit!
# @matcher.progress_view.style = :warning
class ProgressView
attr_reader :matcher
def initialize(matcher)
@matcher = matcher
# It calculates the percentage of processed documents and updates the style.
def start
@percent = 0
@last_percent = nil
@style = :success
# It calculates the progress and updates the style.
def update
if @matcher.fuzzy_finder_counter.times == 0 be359ba680
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